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Fibrelicious Food Guide

Size of serving food fibre grams/serving*

1 medium cup Apple (with peel) 4.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Apricot 3.1 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 medium Banana 3.1 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Blackberries 7.6 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Blueberries 3.6 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Cantaloupe 1.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 medium Grapefruit 1.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Grapes 0.8 Fibre Grams/Serving

Grain products & others size of serving fibre grams/serving*

1 slice French bread 1.5 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 slice Rye bread 1.9 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 slice White bread 0.7 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 slice Whole-wheat bread 1.9 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Wheat-bran cereal (dry) 7.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Cornflakes 0.9 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Oat bran (dry) 5.7 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 cup Oatmeal 4.8 Fibre Grams/Serving

Vegetables & legumes size of serving food fibre grams/serving*

1 globe Artichoke 6.9 Fibre Grams/Serving

1/2 cup Asparagus 1.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

1/2 cup Green beans (canned) 1.8 Fibre Grams/Serving

1/2 cup Kidney beans 6.8 Fibre Grams/Serving

1/2 cup Pinto beans 5.5 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 1/2 cup Broccoli 1.1 Fibre Grams/Serving

1/2 cup Cabbage. green(cooked) 1.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 medium Carrot 1.7 Fibre Grams/Serving

1/2 cup Cauliflower (cooked) 1.4 Fibre Grams/Serving

Size of serving food fibre grams/serving

2 to 6 capsules Multihealth Fiber Capsules 1 to 3 Fibre Grams/Serving

2 to 5 capsules Multihealth Fiber Capsules + Calcium 1 to 3 Fibre Grams/Serving

1 serving Powder 3 Fibre Grams/Serving

2 wafers MulitGrain Wafers (Apple Crisp or Cinnamon Spice) 5 Fibre Grams/Serving

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